Do you know how to dispose of your medications? Learn more today


How to safely dispose of prescription and over-the-counter drugs

Expired medication is considered hazardous waste. Don't flush medicine down the toilet or sink. Due to improper disposal of drugs, there are traces of pharmaceuticals in the environment, in the soil, and in the water. Concentration levels may be very low, but enough to have adverse effects on the environment, and on human health. Ensure safe and appropriate storage and disposal of expired and used prescription drugs, over the counter medication, and natural health products. To protect the environment, as well as to keep the products out of the wrong hands, and prevent abuse or accidental ingestion, be sure you always safely discard prescription and non-prescription medications.

Simply return any medication you need to dispose of to Medicare Pharmacy in a clear plastic ziplock bag and we’ll take care of the rest. Before disposing of your old medications, make sure you remove any personal identification information. Your Medicare Pharmacy pharmacists can also provide you with sharps disposable containers in compliance with preventional government environmental disposable regulations. Filled containers can be returned to the pharmacy and we will dispose them safely for you. Whether you have questions about your prescription drugs, over-the-counter products, immunizations, or other health concerns, our pharmacists are ready to help.

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